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About the Parish Council

Kentisbeare Parish Council consists of ten parish councillors and one part-time salaried Clerk. Councillors are elected every four years, the next elections will take place in May 2027.

The Parish Council normally meet on the second Tuesday of the month (with a recess in August) at 7pm in the committee room at Kentisbeare Village Hall. Occasionally the venue and scheduled day or time of the meeting may change. Meeting times and venues are displayed on the home page of the Parish website (see Parish diary) and on the agenda. Notice of the meeting is displayed on the Parish notice board outside of Kentisbeare Village Hall and depending upon availability, notice may also be displayed on the noticeboard outside of The Wyndham Arms and Kentisbeare Play Park and at  Blackborough Village Hall and Sainthill Church Hall. Members of the public are invited to attend and may address the council at the start of the meeting – for more information please contact the Parish Clerk.  Minutes of meetings are displayed on the Parish website and a summary is published in the Parish magazine.  The agenda is published three days before the meeting, and is available via the website.  Please do not hesitate to contact the Clerk or the Chairman if you have any queries.


The Parish Council office will close on 20/12.24 and re-open on 03/01/25.  . 

In an emergency, please contact the district or county council or relevant organisation.

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