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District and Parish/Town Council Elections – 2nd May 2019. Click here to read more, including statement of persons nominated.
The District and Parish/Town Council elections will take place on Thursday 2nd May 2019.
Kentisbeare Parish Council depends upon local people taking an interest in what happens in their community. There are ten seats (i.e. the number of councillor positions available) on Kentisbeare Parish Council, and councillors are elected every four years. Local people standing as councillors can bring a wealth of knowledge and community understanding into the local team.
On this occasion there are more candidates than seats, so there is to be a ‘contested election’ – this means that your vote will decide who sits on the Parish Council for the next four years.
This election also decides who will represent us on the District Council for the Cullompton Outer Ward area for the next four years.
Please take the time to vote on May 2nd 2019, in both the Parish and District Council elections.
Polling stations are at Kentisbeare Village Hall and Blackborough Village Hall.
Click here ref: Statement of Persons Nominated Kentisbeare Parish.
Click here ref: Statement of Persons Nominated District – Cullompton Outer
Kentisbeare Parish Council Clerk. Email: